Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary classifies wisdom with several definitions including “a wise attitude and course of action”; “ability to discern inner qualities and relationships”; and “accumulated philosophic or scientific learning.” For the sake of this article, wisdom is defined as “practical application knowledge”; and not merely a matter of information or knowledge.
For leaders it is imperative that wisdom become a way of life and, more so, a characteristic that must be cultivated. Why? According to the Biblical principles in the book of Proverbs, the fruit is wealth, prosperity, power, and life. Conversely, the lack of wisdom leads to pride, arrogance, and evil behavior.
Wisdom does not come automatically, nor does a leaders posses it through magic. So, what are the keys a leader must implement to operate in wisdom? First, true wisdom comes from God, thus leaders must seek Him. Second, wisdom can be found in the good counsel; so discover and connect with other wise leaders. Finally, train your heart and mind to be attuned to God’s Word and wisdom is yours.
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