Hem and Haws’ worldview consist of cheese will always be available and they were special. “We deserve this Cheese,” expresses Hem. And their confidence grew into the arrogance of success (Johnson S. 1998, p. 31). Interestingly their worldview echoes secular humanism, a worldview which embraces the attitude of human beings are special in value. Likewise, human beings’ aspirations, thoughts, and yearnings are all significant (Sire, 2004, p. 76). Accordingly, Hem and Haw’s beliefs embraced being special.
Ethics is the judgment to whether human behavior is right or wrong, (Johnson, C.E., 2005, p. 6). Additionally, ethics sets the standard as to what good or bad in conduct and decision making (Trevino, 1986). How is the conduct or decision making decided? One test in determining whether a behavior is moral takes account that one act morally, if good, comes from what he does. It is one’s duty to act so as to maximize the greatest good for the greatest number. Thus, for them the results of an act determine whether the act is morally good or bad, or intent to do his duty (Feinberg, 1996, p.7). Hence, ethics play a significant role in the conduct and decision making of Haw. During his search for new cheese, Haw reflects on his friendship with Hem. He is often concerned about Hem’s welfare. Although Haw has little success in finding new cheese, he decides to return to Station C (Johnson S., 1998, p. 59). Haw offers Hem bits of new cheese found the maze. This act of giving portrays Hem’s ethical conduct in deciding to share, as well as, a leader who is concerned about others. Haw is guided by internal standards, a self-chosen ethical conduct that does not seek reward (Daft, 2005, p.578). Although, Hem refuses the new cheese, Haw act is moral, because he intends good.
In comparison, both Haw and Hem are faced with the dilemma of no cheese. Likewise, both make a decision about change. Hem decides not to change. In contrast, Haw decides to change. Ultimately, Haw’s decision to change are influenced (a) by his ability to potential lead Hem to change, (b) to discover new cheese through research with ethical values, and (c) leadership effectiveness in courage, responsibility, acceptance of one’s limitations, and the ability to overcome fear to find freedom and new cheese.
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