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You can ask most anyone the question “Who is a leader?” and those are the kinds of answers they will give you.
They are right, of course. But they are only partially right.
- Leaders aren’t leaders because of a job title.
- Leaders are leaders because they lead.
Which takes me back to my previous question – “Are people born leaders?” Yes they are. But it isn’t just a few that have been hand picked by our Creator or random genetics.
- We have all been picked – genetics has selected us all.
- We were all born to lead, in our own way.
- We may not be the Chairman of the Board. We may not be the person on the stage.
- We may not lead with oratory or flair.
- We may lead by compassion.
- We may lead by example.
- We all can lead.
- We all have the ability to be remarkable leaders.
- Leadership isn’t about position.
- Leadership isn’t about power.
- Leadership is about potential – your potential.
You are a leader. Claim and believe this to be true, for it is. Stake your claim and make a difference in the world around you.
Your opportunities for leadership are endless. The rewards are boundless.
My answers to four questions lead to a question for you…
Where will you lead?
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