When was the last time you spoke to powerfully ask for what you really wanted? Did you negotiate the salary you wanted with that last promotion? Did you ask your ideal client for the business? Well, it’s about time you learn how to speak up to get what you want.
Today’s leadership lesson is where you’ll discover the 5 Strategic Keys to Powerfully Ask for What You Want..
Key #1: Write down your goals and identify the resources need to accomplish them. At the beginning of the new year, we make all kinds of resolutions and plan our goals, however, we usually fail to follow through. This time, when you write out your goals, identify the resources required to accomplish the goals, as well as who can help you accomplish those goals.
Key #2: Prioritize Your Goals. This is a simple as it sounds; determine which goal much be accomplished first, second, and so forth.
Key #3: Overcome Your excuses. All of us can offer excuses as to why we don’t accomplish our goals. So squash those fears and get moving forward.
Key #4: Get Started Now. There’s not time like the present to get start. Don’t delay on reaching your goals and dreams because of fear of rejection.
Key #5: Declare Success. Let “no” be a detour on your way to “yes”. You’re a winner.
(c) Karlyn D. Henderson, M.A. All rights reserved worldwide.
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