Do you claim to be a Leader in your business or in your field of expertise?
In my personal observation, I’ve noticed that many people claim to be Leaders, but I consider them Slackers instead. A Slacker is someone that basically likes to give instruction or direction, but takes no action on advancing themselves or their business.
The following list are clues that points to a leader and points to a slacker. Which are you?
Leader: Praises his/her team and offers encouragement
Slacker: Quick to find fault and slow to give praise
Leader: Holds himself/herself to a higher standard that his/her team
Slacker: Has a high level of expectation for his or her team but doesn’t hold himself or herself to that same standard
Leader: Leads by example and is a role model for his or her team
Slacker: Blends in with crowd and never steps up to take a leadership role
Leader: Has deep rooted belief in his/her business and leads new teammates through the growth process (learning the business and facing obstacles)
Slacker: Convinces a person to join his/her team then pawns them off on someone else or simply pushes them to the side (Referred to as “sign and drop”)
Ad you reviewed the above list, where did you find yourself. Keep in mind a leader must lead and nourish others through the growth process. If he or she loses integrity and fails to take action, then this same failure mindset will ripple down to his or her teammates. A team will duplicate their leader and their leader’s actions.
Let me ask you one last time. Are you a Leader or a Slacker?
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