When was the last time you took a candid inventory of your leadership strengths and weakness? Do you adapt your natural leadership style to constantly changing situations? Or, do you lack confidence because you do not know your Leadership DNA? Sadly, many leaders do not know their Leadership DNA – their personality style, spiritual gifts, or motivational triggers. As I consult with leaders from various backgrounds, many do not know “why they do what they do.” The common reply: “I’m just wired that way.” Yes, you are wired, however it is important know how you are “wired”, as well as, knowing how others are “wired”.
Personality Tests
Perhaps you have participated in a personality test like DISC or Myers Briggs. These personality tests are excellent foundational tools to understand your personality or psychological type. Results from these personality tests are neither wrong or right. Instead, they reveal your wiring. For example, the Myers Briggs personality test results (or preferences) will reveal:
- An individual is either primarily Extraverted or Introverted
- An individual is either primarily Sensing or Intuitive
- An individual is either primarily Thinking or Feeling
- An individual is either primarily Judging or Perceiving
The possible combinations of the basic preferences form 16 different personality styles. This does not mean that all (or even most) individuals will fall strictly into one category or another. Instead, the results just show your preference. Thus, learning about your personality style provides insight in understanding why certain areas in life come easy, and others are more of a struggle. Furthermore, as leaders discover other’s personality style, this knowledge will aid most in interacting, and how others function best.
Understanding Others
When leading others, it is important to keep in mind: “How can you best understand a worker’s (employee or volunteer) natural capabilities, and where will they find the most satisfaction in assigned tasks and projects?” Consequently, when connecting through relationship building, consider how you can improve your awareness of other’s personality type; as well as, increase your understanding of their reactions to situations. This knowledge will aid in communication. Lastly, when coaching or mentoring others, think about how you can help individuals understand themselves better as they are able to deal with their strengths and weaknesses.
Next Steps
Want to learn more about how you are “wired” and grow in your leadership skills, contact Poimena to schedule a Leadership Experience Workshop for your leadership team. This high-interactive workshop provides leaders with the knowledge, tools, and practical activities to acquire an executive level of character and skills to manage complex problems … influence other to achieve more … improve working relationships … build character and competence … and overcome the common roadblocks.
© 2010 Karlyn D. Henderson, M.A. All rights reserved.
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