As an Executive Leadership Development coach, I understand the question "What skills are important for women in leadership?" is both a timely and pertinent one that we must unpack, not only to promote gender equality in the corporate world but also to harness and development these skills in every ...
I Own My Authentic Power!
Own Your Power: Embracing Authenticity and Strength
In a world filled with external influences and societal pressures, it can be easy to lose sight of our own power and authenticity. We often find ourselves conforming to expectations, seeking validation from others, and neglecting our true selves in the process. However, owning your power means ...
International Women’s Day 2024
International Women's Day (IWD) is a time to reflect on the progress made in the fight for gender equality and to renew our commitment to empowering women and girls around the world. On this day, we honor the achievements of women past and present who have worked tirelessly to break down barriers ...
5 Strategic Keys to Powerfully Ask for What You Want
When was the last time you spoke to powerfully ask for what you really wanted? Did you negotiate the salary you wanted with that last promotion? Did you ask your ideal client for the business? Well, it's about time you learn how to speak up to get what you want. Today's leadership lesson is where ...
8 Phrases that Kill a Leader’s Creativity
There are some phrases that should never be utter by leaders, which include the following ... We (I) tried that before. It's a good idea, but we (I) really do not have time to implement that. You're joking, of course. That's all very well in theory, but practically speaking . . ...
I’m Just Wired That Way!
When was the last time you took a candid inventory of your leadership strengths and weakness? Do you adapt your natural leadership style to constantly changing situations? Or, do you lack confidence because you do not know your Leadership DNA? Sadly, many leaders do not know their Leadership DNA – ...