In a world filled with external influences and societal pressures, it can be easy to lose sight of our own power and authenticity. We often find ourselves conforming to expectations, seeking validation from others, and neglecting our true selves in the process. However, owning your power means ...
Personal Excellence
Personal Excellence is the goal of personal development. It means that you are a master of yourself and your actions, able to make the right choices at the right time. You're confident in yourself because you know what you can do and how to do it, even when faced with challenges or difficulties.
Reaching Your Potential as LEADER in Terms of Improvement
Leadership is a LEADER’s ability to positively influence others through the integration of character, knowledge, and experience. Leadership is not a title and leadership is not something you are born into. Leadership is something you develop. So what can YOU do to step up and reach your leadership ...
4 Keys Towards Becoming The Leader You Need To Succeed
An important part of success in life is the ability to lead. It is important that we not only be able to lead others but be willing to lead ourselves. No one succeeds in life by simply following others. Sometimes we simply must strike a bold new path for ourselves. Being a good leader is more than ...
Become a Leader Who “Steps Outside the Box”
One of the most important reasons I am a better leader today is because I choose to ‘step outside the box’. Not stepping through my fear and failures used to make me very unhappy, limited, and controlled. Now, I am free of that! I am constantly and continually proving this to myself by ‘stepping ...
3 Little-Know Communication Builders to Get Your Point Across as a Leader
Are you challenged with communicating to your team or colleagues, but don’t have the time to attend a costly, time-consuming workshop? Here’s 3 easy ways to build your communications skills without attending a workshop or reading a 250 page book (which by the time you finish reading it, you forget ...
Do You Know the Color of Your Team?
There are 4 color personality types. Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. In a nutshell knowing what the different color personalities people have means you'll understand your team better then they understand themselves. Everybody has a color type. And with that color type we act in a certain way. ...