“Women who don’t own their power, struggle to achieve the success they so richly deserve verses those women who do, “ shockingly shares Karlyn D. Henderson, M.A., Authentic Women’s Leadership Coach and CEO of Poimena Consulting, LLC, an Atlanta premier consultancy specializing in women’s leadership ...
Poimena News
Welcome to Poimena News where you'll discover published articles, interviews, and press releases in various media outlets about Karlyn D. Henderson, M.A. and Poimena Consulting, LLC.
Leadership Coach Karlyn D. Henderson Challenges Women to Own Their Power – News Article
. (Atlanta, GA, USA) – March 20, 2014 As an authentic leadership coach and team building consultant, Karlyn D. Henderson, M.A., CEO of Poimena Consulting, LLC, a boutique firm in Atlanta, Georgia, challenges her clients to own their authentic power. In light of the ban bossy campaign launched by ...
Leadership Coach Karlyn D. Henderson Announces Seminar to Empower Women Leaders to Ask for What They Want – News Article
. (Atlanta, GA - February 23, 2014) “Countless surveys show women climb the corporate ladder slower and earn less money than men; however, it’s not always about the money, if you know want you want,” says authentic leadership development expert, Karlyn D. Henderson, M.A., Managing Partner ...
Make a Move: 5 Steps to Your Positive Change
. . “Why me?” is often a question people ask when tragedy or devastating circumstances strike. Our minds race with thoughts like, “It seems unfair when I work hard and play by the rules, yet I don’t get ahead;” or “When will it be my turn?” or “Will I ever catch a break?”[pullquote]Article ...
4 Steps to Profitable Decision Making without Sorrowful Regrets
Do you make decisions that you later regret? Yes, we all have. However, in a leadership role, it is crucial you make decisions that are profitable and not regrettable. Regrettable decisions are costly which can have great impact in your relationships, your well being, and sometimes your ...